Peter Gratton, an experienced and successful Cheshire electrician and entrepreneur, is now a proud member of the Charge-M8 team, taking the reins in health,...
Only a third of office occupiers in the North West know how energy efficient their office buildings are despite Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)...
Watercycle Technologies Ltd (‘Watercycle’ or ‘the Company’) signs agreement with Energia Minerals (Italia) Srl to test Direct Lithium Extraction and Crystallization system on Italian...
From energy regulator Ofgem, a first-of-a-kind electricity system which could save Great Britain’s customers £1bn has received special recognition.
The system reduces, by very small...
GREATER Manchester has signed a new landmark partnership with Japanese manufacturer Daikin that will see up to 1,000 homes benefit from low-carbon retrofitting trials.
As many British businesses battle to stay afloat amid crippling energy prices, a Manchester law firm is leading the fight against unscrupulous suppliers who’ve...