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Choosing the right ecommerce platform for your business needs

Chris Murphy, Digital Innovation Specialist at GC Business Growth Hub, has put together a guide on the five main ecommerce platforms available, detailing their...

A beginner’s guide to carbon footprinting

  Claire Scott, Environmental Business Advisor at GC Business Growth Hub, explains what a carbon footprint is, how they are calculated and why it’s something...

“I’ve never written a line of code in my tech career”

Amelia Bampton, 38, Regional Director of Codurance UK North, is on a mission to break down stereotypical entry barriers to tech after the pandemic...

Net Zero: What it is and why it matters to you

‘Net zero’ is the new buzzword in the fight against climate change. Kevin Lambert, Resource Efficiency Lead at GC Business Growth Hub, explains what...

Why Digital Transformation Is The Next Evolution Of Your Business

Everything Tech It’s a big word, digital transformation, and is a term that goes beyond just ensuring you have the right computers in place. Digital...

Development cycles and medical devices: the long and winding road

So you have an idea for a product that will improve something, change something, or make a difference in the healthcare industry. Now what? Product...

Here Are A Few Important Things You Should Never Try And Do Yourself When You’re Starting Your Own Small Business

  We do not need to tell you that this is a pretty intense time to be launching your own small business. The twin factors...

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