Ben Wild Studios, a leading animation company renowned for its creative excellence and unique skill in animation, is excited to announce the official launch...
Employers are being urged to expand cost-of-living support for workers following the announcement of the latest Ofgem price cap.
While the price per unit of...
Seddon’s 17 new intake apprentices took part in two days of maintenance works to help renovate Salford’s Peel Park Pavilion.
Two-day volunteer project...
OQ, the global integrated energy group, has been honoured with the prestigious ICF Coaching Impact Award by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The award...
Manhattan Associates Inc. (NASDAQ: MANH) has announced that PacSun, a prominent specialty retailer known for its emerging youth brands and trendy fashion offerings, will...
RPG Chartered Accountants have strengthened their audit team with the addition of three new auditors.
Maria Khan joined the RPG team earlier in the year...
One of Europe's leading supply chain and operations consultancies, Citwell Group is opening an office in Boston. A strategic move aiming to consolidate its...