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£500,000 fund will make grants of £1,500 to freelancers in creative & culture sector

A brand new hardship fund aimed specifically at freelancers who work in the creative and culture sector in Manchester and who have been adversely...

European Training Centre for Arden Software now complete

Construction of a brand-new European training centre and German headquarters for Greater Manchester-based Arden Software is now complete. The leading packaging software firm, which...

Peer Networks is supporting small business owners in Greater Manchester to work together and drive growth

Peer Networks are set to drive SME growth in Greater Manchester as small and medium sized business owners work together to navigate their challenges...


The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has established a working group to explore the potential use of FinGo Vein ID biometric technology for...

£41 million Town Investment Plan submitted to boost town centre regeneration

Oldham Town Deal Board has submitted plans to secure £41 million funding as part of the Government’s Towns Fund. The Board, made up of...

Free returner programme set to boost tech skills in Greater Manchester

Tech Returners an organisation focused on empowering careers back into technology is launching a seventh cohort of it’s Your Return To Tech programme for...

Edge Hill University announces new major collaboration with AMRC (NW) and Manchester Metropolitan University Manufacturing Connect

A new joint initiative led by Edge Hill University to support the adoption of productivity-boosting digital technologies in SME manufactures, has officially been launched...

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