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Manchester Hoteliers’ Association expands its hospitality student forums programme

Over the last twelve months, The Manchester Hoteliers Association (MHA), a non-profit organisation of the key hotels within the city centre and the Greater...

The North West businesswoman on a confidence mission for women

Manchester-based Beckie Taylor, CEO of Tech Returners an organisation focused on career empowerment has launched a new venture with a spotlight on women and...

UK growth prospects significantly brighter in 2021 as EY ITEM Club publishes upgraded economic forecast

The UK’s economic growth prospects for 2021 have been significantly upgraded in the EY ITEM Club’s Spring Forecast, published today. The EY ITEM Club...

The Growth Company become proud members of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter

The Growth Company has progressed from Supporters to Members of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter, demonstrating our continued employment excellence and how deeply...

Peer Networks provides Greater Manchester SMEs with opportunity to be stronger together

Business leaders in Greater Manchester have the chance to join a flourishing network that promises to help support, develop and grow their SMEs. Peer Networks...

Virtual trade mission to New York for B2B tech companies

 An innovative North-South collaboration will take Black, Asian and mixed background tech founders on a five-day virtual trade mission to New York.   The Race Ethnicity And Cultural Heritage (REACH)...

Ripples of Hope summit due to return to Manchester this autumn with speaker line-up including ex-Unilever CEO

Following a successful inaugural event in 2020, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights has announced that its Ripples of Hope Business & Investment Summit is...

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