Sam Allcock

1155 POSTS
With over 20 years of experience in the field SEO and digital marketing, Sam Allcock is a highly regarded entrepreneur. He is based in Cheshire but has an interest in all things going on in the North West and enjoys contributing local news to the site.

£100m Development in record time by Sourced Development Group

As everyone in the construction sector is currently facing challenging economic markers, one local property business is celebrating significant success. Sourced Development Group, based...

Manchester’s new cargo-partner office

Following the completion of cargo-partner's acquisition of Aztek International Freight Ltd earlier this year, the company continues to grow in the UK, with the...

Morrisons to sell “nightmarish” cheese for Hallloween

The UK's number one blended and snacking cheese supplier has launched a new seasonal cheese for Halloween that could give foodies a bit of...

Pandemic and no-fault divorce law has caused rise in ‘grey divorces’

The rise in older people divorcing is due to pressures in relationships created by the pandemic and the 2022 no-fault-divorce legislation, says Northwest family...

Local businessman creates free videos to help people protect themselves from cybercrime.

To celebrate cybersecurity awareness month, local businessman and owner of a cybersecurity training company Ian Murphy has created a series of free videos to...

Manchester-based agency Embryo is up for six Search Award Nominations!

The Manchester-based digital agency, Embryo, has revealed that they’ve been nominated for six UK Search Awards. After successfully winning an award at last year’s UK...

Company Culture + Expansion: LDM maintains high growth

Rob Henry (Managing Director at LDM), is thrilled to announce the latest addition to the team: LDM's new Sales Director, Terry Boland. Terry has...

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