Danielle Trigg


Study shows living near trees increases your life expectancy!

It's official: the secret to living a longer and healthier life is right outside our door - in the trees! A groundbreaking study conducted...

Solving Problems with Design Thinking: Emphasising Empathy, Experimentation, and Collaboration

How important is the design of a product or service? In one word: very. The quality of our experience as users depends on the...

The role of the purchasing manager and their functions within a company

The Professional Master’s Degree Executive MBA (CEO, Chief Executive Officer) of TECH trains experts to carry out operations and planning management The purchasing department of...

Revolutionizing Car Insurance: How AI is Changing the Future of Coverage?

Advanced Artificial Intelligence and machine learning have a higher potential to revolutionize almost any industry; the insurance industry is no exception. When you hear...

How Upgrading Your Business Technology Can Increase Its Value

As a business owner, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest technology in order to remain competitive and grow your business. Investing...

Why Investing in CCTV Could be Essential for Your Businesses

Investing in Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems can be a valuable asset for businesses of any size. Not only do they provide an extra...

Have you ever wondered how to play a game of Roulette well?

If you have never played Roulette before and you want to try your chances, you’ll want to make sure you know the basics of...

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