Created by Coral Horn, founder of North West based Pink Link and The Enterprise Vision Awards, the first LIFE Expo was held at the fantastic Concorde Conference Centre, beneath the wings of the mighty Concorde. The LIFE Expo was an Expo for “Ladies Inspiring Future Enterprise”, whether they wanted to start a business, grow one or find out how they can change their lives for the better. The next LIFE Expo is planned for 2020.
Coral Horn said: “This year, Pink Link celebrates its tenth anniversary and the EVAS have grown to be the largest awards for women outside of London The LIFE Expo was a natural progression for supporting women in business, since it is relevant for all ladies who know they want to do more with their lives.
“The combination of motivational speakers, banks who could fund expansion plans or social media experts to help grow an online presence, was ideal for the busy woman, who could find it all out under one roof, in one day at The LIFE Expo.”
Speakers included Dr Cheryl Chapman (author of Find Your Why – How To Be Frickin Awesome), Rosie Dummer (C4 Extreme Cake Makers), Leanne Brown (ambassador to One Woman At A Time), Dan Sodergren (BBC Breakfast) and contestants from The Apprentice (BBC1). Their presentations inspired and motivated the listeners and were rapturously received.
Coral was assisted by Rebecca Jane, who created ‘The Lady Detective Agency’ in 2009 with only £200. It became the largest female investigation agency in the UK and was sold in 2018. Rebecca said: “‘A few years into my business journey, I knew I wanted to expand but didn’t know which route was best. I spoke to advisors, like the Business Growth Hub. who exhibited at the Expo. I decided to franchise my business model and saw my ‘good little business’ become an international success.”