Ben Wild Studios, a leading animation company renowned for its creative excellence and unique skill in animation, is excited to announce the official launch of its new film division.
The Manchester-based business, which boasts an impressive client roster including GUCCI, New Balance, CBBC and the Voicescape, has announced the strategic expansion as part of a bid to further diversify the studio’s portfolio and establish its presence in the rapidly evolving world of video content.
The film division will leverage Ben Wild Studios’ extensive experience in storytelling and production to create captivating and meaningful video content. Drawing on the company’s commitment to innovation and artistry, the division aims to captivate audiences worldwide with its unique style and video skills.
Chief Doodler, Ben Wild said: “We are so excited to be able to start this new chapter of our journey with the launch of our film division.
“We’ve had the most incredible 12 months and seen our client base continue to grow with the scope of work increasing from initial animation briefs to full video content creation and production.”
Ben Wild Film has partnered with Upturn Social Enterprise to showcase the company’s journey over the past two decades while reflecting its core mission to unlock the potential and improve the lives and the health & wellbeing of people from diverse groups and disadvantaged communities.
Ben Wild Studios offers bespoke animation, illustrations and video content.